Porsche Lifestyle

Porsche leather goods for men and women.

Top-quality stylish leather goods with an elegant design are not easy to find. Porsche has taken up the challenge and commissioned well-known designers from Porsche Design to develop a range of fine leather products. High-quality leather of the same standard used for vehicle interiors is certain to meet the high expectations of Porsche enthusiasts. It is used to make exquisite purses, iPhone cases, credit card cases and ladies' handbags. The design of the articles is in harmony with the exceptional materials, as is to be expected of Porsche. The discreet crest and the Porsche logo confirm the high quality of the products. Impressive, simple and completely unmistakable: the leather goods from Porsche Lifestyle.

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If you have any queries about your order, please e-mail: pcm.selection@porsche.com.au.
You can also call our customer service department on: 03 9473 0998

* NOTE: Delivery times may be longer than usual due to unavoidable construction work around our facility.
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